The Maker: Ugalkava

“In my art practice, I focus on the topic of body and object in art and question the original properties of things and their meanings. I long to explore the limits of anthropocentric attention in dialogue with objects and alter the cultural codes, contexts, and origins of ordinary things.”

“When I start working with an object, I study its shape, lines, spots, colors, and materiality. In my drawings, sculptures, and photographs, I combine the original qualities of man-made or natural objects with the feelings they evoke in me.”

“I am interested in how objects function independently of our expectations. Can a person create a work in which they do not direct their thoughts towards the object? Can the object, shape, line or form be given a leading role in a single art work or installation? How many analogies and correlations are between objects we daily create and see, and to what extent we can approach their inner life?”